(21) Go through this list and mark the host galaxies as Clear Host, Multiple possible hosts, or No Apparent Galaxy
(21) Go through this list and make sure the host galaxy is marked correctly in the aladin window. You may want to press the Candidate Galaxies button to get lists of nearby galaxies from cone searches in NED/Simbad/PanSTARRS/GLADE+.
(<QuerySet [<UkirtDetection: 20uxz - 59129.568623>, <UkirtDetection: 19bgs - 58563.627778>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59132.502731>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59132.50794>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59132.51309>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59132.518333>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59132.52412>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59132.528958>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59221.338681>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59221.339699>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59221.340718>, <UkirtDetection: G191B2B - 59221.341736>, <UkirtDetection: 19bgs - 58563.622662>, <UkirtDetection: 19amo - 58540.58015>, <UkirtDetection: 20xis - 59145.415718>, <UkirtDetection: 20tqc - 59119.332222>, <UkirtDetection: 20soi - 59106.221968>, <UkirtDetection: 20syl - 59114.317674>, <UkirtDetection: 20vax - 59145.645336>, <UkirtDetection: 20tlv - 59119.530625>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']>) In the shell, play the detection game. I'll make a page for this stuff soon.
for ud in UkirtDetection.objects.filter(status='?'):
if ud.lc.bandpass.endswitH('rot'):